If you are like us here at Frugal Buzz, you tend to listen to a lot of Christmas tunes throughout the month of December. In fact, while writing this article, we have Pandora set to a Christmas music station!
For those that love Christmas music, you probably are well aware of the classic Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” We apologize in advance if this song rings in your head the rest of the day!
Many of you have probably wondered just how much it would cost to buy all the items in this song. According to Annual PNC Wealth Management Christmas Price Index, the cost for a set of the items in one verse would be $34,130.99. This represents an increase of $197.77 (0.6% year-over-year increase) from the 2014 prices for these items.
If you really want to buy the entire lot, as per the number of times each item is mentioned in the song, try wrapping your head around a $155,407.18 price tag! Perhaps this amount is not in your Holiday shopping budget this year, so feel free to check out the price breakdown for each item, as one of them might be a little more affordable. Don’t blame us if the gift does not go over well with the recipient. Seriously, who would want six geese-a-laying? Your best bet for gifting would likely be the five gold rings, although one would likely suffice.
2015 Prices for Items in the 12 Days of Christmas
Partridge and a pear tree 2015 Price: $214.99 – 2014 Price: $207.68
Two turtle doves 2015 Price: $290.00 – 2014 Price: $260.00
Three French hens 2015 Price: $181.50 – 2014 Price: $181.50
Four calling birds (canaries) 2015 Price: $599.96 – 2014 Price: $599.96
Five gold rings 2015 Price: $750.00 – 2014 Price: $750.00
Six geese-a-laying 2015 Price: $360.00 – 2014 Price: $360.00
Seven swans a-swimming 2015 Price: $13,125.00 – 2014 Price: $13,125.00
Eight maids a-milking 2015 Price: $58.00 – 2014 Price: $58.00
Nine ladies dancing (per performance) 2015 Price: $7,552.84 – 2014 Price: $7,552.84
10 lords a-leaping (per performance) 2015 Price: $5,508.70 – 2014 Price: $5,348.24
11 pipers piping (per performance) 2015 Price: $2,635.20 – 2014 Price: $2,635.20
12 drummers drumming (per performance) 2015 Price: $2,854.80 – 2014 Price: $2,854.80

Merry Christmas!