Get the Victoria Classics Madeira Pleated 4-Piece Oversized Comforter Set (Queen Size) for only $49.99 after price drops from $259.99 to $59.99 and then again to this deal price at Groupon Goods. This deal price represents a savings of 81% off the retail price for this comforter set when you use the coupon code JOY10 at checkout. Plus, this item ships free. This is the lowest price online by about $21. The Madeira Comforter Set includes one comforter, two shams, and one decorative pillow. The King size comforter set is $10 more. Sales tax may be applicable in some states.
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Tags: Comforter Sets
The coupon code, JOY10 ($10 off items $25 or more), mentioned above expires July 10. The price will go back to $59.99 for the queen size and $69.99 for the king size. The Victoria Classics Madeira Comforter Set is available in Teal, Gray, and White.