Living a green lifestyle is a wonderful way to be kinder to the earth, your body, and your wallet. But with the plethora of information on how to “be green,” it can be overwhelming for someone who wants to start transitioning to that type of lifestyle. As with everything new, you have to start somewhere and take one step at a time. So before your head starts filling with enough information to make you start running for the non-green hills, here are some tips on how to start shopping greener:
Non-GMO & USDA Organic Products
When shopping greener, you want to cut out the chemicals as much as you can. Chemicals have saturated the earth, the products we use, and the food that we eat. When shopping for food, look for products that are Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms, which means made in a lab and not of nature), USDA Organic (certified by the USDA that all ingredients used are organic), and made with natural ingredients (rule of thumb, if you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it!). When shopping for meat, look for grass-fed beef, meat raised without the use of antibiotics, and free-range chicken eggs. This lets the consumer know that these animals were not pumped full of chemicals and that they were allowed to live a humane life.
Recycled Materials & Packaging
Be concise of the packaging that your products come in. Look for packaging or items made from recycled material, which is more than likely stated somewhere on the package. Look for items with the recycle sign and the number 1-7 in the middle of the sign, which lets you know that the package or item is made with materials that can be recycled. Also, try to buy in bulk when possible since this will eliminate a lot of extra packaging material.
Refurbished & Used Items
Buy items used when possible, such as clothing, household items, furniture, etc. Shopping at garage sales and thrift stores is a great way to save items from landfills and is much kinder to your wallet!
Shop Local
Buy local when possible. Shop at farmer’s markets and local farms to not only know where your food comes from and if chemicals are used, but buying local saves on fossil fuels used in food travel and on packaging materials.
What are some of the things you look for when shopping for green lifestyle products? Share your green living tips in the comments below.