For many Americans, Halloween is not just a day for kids to go trick-or-treating, it’s a season. While the actual Holiday still falls on October 31, most would consider Halloween a season throughout the month of October even extending into September. From weekend Halloween parties to visits to Haunted Houses, there is no shortage of ways to celebrate Halloween. In fact, a recent survey on Halloween Consumer Spending by the National Retail Federation (NRF) found that more than 157 million Americans plan to celebrate Halloween in 2015. Total spending this Halloween is expected to reach $6.9 billion, which is down from $7.4 billion last year.
So what is your Halloween budget this year? If you plan to spend around $75 on Halloween costumes, candy, decorations and other Halloween essentials, you are just about average. The 2015 survey revealed that the average person is expected to spend $74.34 on Halloween this year. When you consider a family of four, that is some significant spending just to celebrate Halloween.
With so many things to buy for Halloween, it’s good to plan ahead, budget and seek out promotions of candy, decorations and costumes when available. Here are some simple tips to save on Halloween this year:
How To Save On Halloween Essentials This Year
Halloween Costumes
If you are looking to buy what’s popular this year, you are going to have to pay the premium prices. These costumes won’t usually go on-sale until after the Holiday, which means you should take a look at the costume classics or those costumes that were popular just one year ago. When buying your costume online, make sure you are buying it during a sale. Halloween retailers regularly have sales events that will get you 20-40% off their inventory of costumes. If you cannot find the perfect costume during the sale, consider making your own costume. There are tons of blogs that will show you how to make a great DIY costume.
Halloween Decorations
If you can wait until after Halloween, you will likely score huge discounts up to 70% off this years decorations. Retailers regularly unload this years inventory of Halloween decorations so when next year rolls around, they can stock their shelves with what’s new.
Halloween Party
If you haven’t read our article on how to plan the perfect Halloween party on a budget, go ahead and do so now. We share several ways to save money on your Halloween party including asking friends to bring their own favorite recipe, limiting the size of the party, buying in bulk, avoiding single use items and shopping during sales. Your guests are a great resource for helping you keep your party expenses minimal as many will be willing to bring whatever you ask for to make it a spooktacular party.
Halloween Candy
You don’t have to impress your trick-or-treaters with the size of the candy bar, so fun-sized will do just fine. We regularly see grocery stores and retailers offer buy one bag of candy, get one bag of candy 50% off, so make sure you stock up during these sales. These deals might include the premium candy (e.g. Snickers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or Skittles), so grab a few bags and save. After Halloween, these bags of candy will be heavily discounted, so you might want to consider grabbing a few for next year.
What are some of the ways you and your family save during the Halloween season? Share your money saving tips with our readers below.
Photo Credit: © Jackbluee | Dreamstime.com – Kids Halloween Shopping Photo